Getting from Hylkje and into Bergen is no easy feat, I can promise you that. Not on a hot, sunny and easy day, and
certainly not on a snowheavy night with -25 c. But then we got the idea on a Sunday night with heavy snow and -25c to go to the cinema in Bergen and watch Avatar in 3D! First we were around eight people planning to go, but because of circumstances we ended up with only five(Anne, Annika, Caroline, Matias, Torgeir). First we were planning on catching the 1800 show, but it sold out right in front of our eyes, so we in the end we agreed on the 2100. At five to seven we speed-walked up to the bus stop in order to get on the ten past seven bus. It's always late, so when it was fifteen minutes past we didn't think much of it. Then it was twenty minutes past, and eventually it crawled toward thirty minutes past. Upon consulting the bus times we realized that the stupid bus only went once every second hour on Sundays. In desperation we called a taxi and planned on taking it into Åsane and then take the bus from there.
Time went by. We were near death it was so cold. To pass away time we played Godzilla and Tokyo with the snow. We chased each other up and down the road and we stood huddled in a penguin formation with the smallest in the middle.
Eventually, after an eternity and a call, a taxi finally arrived. Our earlier plan to just take it to Åsane went down the drain because then we wouldn't reach the movie in time. Eventually, after one and a half hour, we got into Bergen just in time to buy some candy and find our seats.
Everyone suggested that I either go to the toilet before the movie, or not buy anything to drink, but I didn't heed any of this and bought a huge pepsi max. Needless to say it hadn't even been five minutes before I had to go to pee. Torgeir was kind enough to agree to follow me (to stand outside the women's toilet and wait!) but lickily I got Annika to go. Everything was nice and dandy, until I half way into the movie was so near peeing myself I hardly knew what to do.

But the movie in itself was so exciting I managed to hold it(though barely). To me it doesn't take much to make me love a movie while in the theater. Some colour and deep bass on the sound effects and I am hooked. Needless to say, Avatar on 3D was
aweome. Colours, 3D stuff floating in the air in front of you, explosions, tall blue people, it had
everything and I LOVED it! It made me so invested in the world of Pandora that I still haven't fully removed myself from it. I am atm downloading it, just because I need to see it again. I don't know if I will appreciate the story just as much this time around, but yeah. The world caught me up. I need to get closure. Or whatever xD
People who claim to know their business concerning this movie(apparently it has a long history already. I was talking about what a good game it would make.... and it had already been made into one a long time ago. I feel so ignorant and I suppose I should read up on it. Sort of like that guy in the commercial who picks up Lotr and says "naw, have they made a movie out of this now?") say that it isn't that good. That it's obvious the manuscript was written in the nineties and onwards. That might be, but I still like some of the characters. I also like the obvious fuck you to how the North American government used to play it with the "terror against terror". Though it's an easy enough card for them to play
now. But be that as it may. I have a lot more leeway when it comes to movies. I am strict with books, but movies are allowed to get away with a lot. Maybe because I watch them a lot less. The conclusion is though: Avatar owned.
After the movie I had to pee so much I felt sick. The theater was closed so we couldn't go back and pee. Someone suggested the bus central, but I knew with myself that no could do. I jogged to the nearest alley, found a dark corner and sat down. It was the most delicious pee I have ever had, even if I sat with my bottom bare in -25c and snow.
As for today, the class had a little field trip into the library in Bergen. We were supposed to find three poems that we will represent for class tomorrow and explain why we like. Getting so caught up with the books I just settled with some André Bjerke and went on a book hunt. It's sooooo damn difficult not to get caught up while browsing. You can take them ALL with you and oh my god books are my great sin in life. Seriously. I ended up borrowing Ibsen's Women, Culture Shock: Thailand, The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Thailand, Omnibus 3 the haunter of the dark by H.P. Lovecraft, Earth; Our Mother(Indian myths and legends from North America) and André Bjerke's collection of poetry. That's just a bit of everything I wanted to haul with me home. Oh the love.