Sunday, 1 November 2009

Hallow's Eve

Picture stolen unscrupulously off Annika.

So yesterday was Halloween and the birthday celebration of two of our October Children: Annika and Patrick.

The school having been really up tight about alcohol and returning to school drunk, we figured it best to rent a hotel room. The initial plan was to party, go to Hulen that apparently serve the best Hallween party ever, and then we'd have nach afterward. Of course, me being me I never really got out of the hotelroom. Last time we were out I was denied access to the concert hall, and this time I didn't even get that far.

Having had a really upset stomach lately, plus a lack of apetite and then a bad mix of alcohol I ended up dead drunk by ten. The evening began awesomely and we partied with a lot of people I haven't partied with before, plus the same ol'. It was fun, and most fun perhaps was the visit of our sober friends before they continued onto Hulen.

The day after, on the other hand, was REALLY bad. I continued to throw up with perhaps only ten minute interwals from six am and out. We stopped at a Deli Deluca for the others to eat, but the smell of food inside was so overpowering I couldn't do much but run out and into an alley and puke my guts out. And as I stood there shivering, my stomach threatening to crawl out of my mouth, this hobo comes and just stares at me. He just stood there, right up and down, and stared at me throwing up. He was an odd fellow. I think he talked to me at some point, but I just ruffled my wounded feathers and hobbled away.

Getting back to school was lovely. Nothing is better than the calm atmosphere of dorm 3 when your head bleeds and your stomach has curled in on itself and died.

Mostly I've slept, knitted, watched family guy and read a bit. I think there will be a while before I go out again. And I MEAN it this time.

(lol, watch me be the one nagging to go out next weekend).

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