Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The tea is just a bit too hot

Time's been running away from me again. Last week went away so incredibly fast, and for some reason it feels like I was somewhere else. I've started losing snippets of my days again. I hope it's not something to do with the continuous need I have for sleep. Most probably not, I'm just distracted.

Some days I just want to put on a mask before I go outside. For obvious reasons I can't, and so I put on so much make up it's difficult to smile. It doesn't help much, and so I wrap a scarf around my neck and pull my hat down low. But then someone come with a nice little compliment at the right time and I feel good again. Ah, I am such an attention whore. I wonder how I will ever survive just with my own strength.

Sometimes I wonder if I am the kind of person who just steals everyone's energy.

Yesterday we sat a little group on the floor by the tea-kitchen and discussed auras, orbs, energy and guardian angels. I'm surprised at how open people are, and that I have even found a healer in my own dorm. It's sort of uncomfortable talking about it, and I feel really naked when they ask me to read their auras or talk about the guardians. I'm so scared I'll be seen as a crazy ass bitch. Me and Princess Märtha! Yeah we've got it going real good.
It's one thing talking about it with my family, who all have the same and been through the same as me, but strangers? No, this is something I've hidden so tight in me, and not until the last couple of years started to explore constructively. It's becoming easier though, hearing, seeing and feeling, I understand more. Colours of auras are still a bit of a mystery to me. I don't know whether the colours and energies are something that objectively means something, or if it's all to my subjective interpretation. Why are some people black, a few golden, but so many blue? I don't know, and I don't know whether reading about it will help either, seeing as I don't trust anyone on it.
The ghost in our dorm has been really active lately. I think it's because of the failing electrical circuit. It's been more dangerous than many understand, but I have a feeling it's the ghost that's been cutting the electricity every time the circuit has gone bad. But as per usual, it's all guesswork.

What's most urgent is my writing, to be honest. If I'd been smart I'd blog in Norwegian, just to practice, but it would feel so strange.

Hmmm, I feel like being really nice to someone. Like giving them a hug or something?

Thus far October in Bergen has been fantastic weatherwise. People always associate October with rain, and I don't understand where they get that from. I can't remember an October that's not been full of colour, sun and a dark blue fathomless sky.

I'll go give that person a hug now.

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