Friday, 14 March 2008


Me and my mum are arguing again. That blood hag. She feels I should be doing more at home... yeah... 'when?' I asked. At what time should I do more? the half hour I've got to eat breakfast before work or the halfhour I have sitting peering at the screen trying to write when I get home before succumbing into sleep? She says I doesn't work THAT much ALL the time. No... no I don't. There's some days where there's a few hours before I go to work, and some, lo and behold, I got off! Some weeks I actually have two days off like a normal human being! Who would have thought ... So I asked her 'When this week would I have had time to do any sort of work here at home?' and she answered me 'Well, now for starters? You could have taken the vacuumer when you were done with the shower.' (I started work at eleven, I got up at eight to have a bit of time in the morning since I like that.) So I answered 'Oh ok. But why didn't you tell me then, so that I could have skipped breakfast and my morning tea to vacuum under your ass?' Then her eyes grew big because she had apparently forgotten I needed breakfast. OH NO INVINSIBLE SIREN DOES NOT NEED BREAKFAST. SHE NEEDS TO CLEAN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE WHICH YOU HAVE TOLD HER SEVERAL TIME IS NOT HER HOME BUT JUST HER TEMPERAL LODGING UNTIL SHE GETS OUT. She was originally also planning to help me economically with moving out, but she withdrew that offer just as she told me to get out as soon as possible. Logical? Not in the least. My mum doesn't have to be you see, because she's always right. Or "right". She gets to heated up in the argument she bloody well forgets what's possible or not. She started this argument because she was doing some chores around the house and I was drinking my morning tea trying to hurry and answer a comment by suomi_goth before running for the bus. Do you guys know what my mum does during the days? Nothing. Thaaat's right, she does nothing. She doesn't work. I have two jobs and still she wants me to clean up. So it ended with her not bothering "to do anything for your ungrateful ass" anymore. Including HANGING UP MY WET WORKCLOTHES WHICH I NEEDED FOR TODAY WHILE SHE KNEW I COULD NOT BE HOME UNTIL HALF PAST ELEVEN LAST NIGHT BECAUSE GUESS WHAT? I WAS WORKING! So now I have to wear a wet uniform. Thanks mum, thanks for being OH SO FUCKING BRIGHT.

When I move out, I am never coming back. Never the fucking way. I'll just break contact for a good few years. Maybe I can stand her ugly attitude then.

We haven't talked for two days.

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