Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Wah, I am back working with my kiddies ^^ Only for this week though, and possibly next, I am not sure. I work with a different group now, but since we're outside 90% of the time it's no problem at all.

Today I suddenly got the order that I was to come with the group to a farm. I was initially given the message that I was to stay with my first group, but they needed another adult (read someone to send to do the dirty work) with them. But it was a beautiful hot and crispy (yes both, autumn for the win) fall day, with a dark blue sky and yellow and red leafs on the trees. We got to ride with a horse and carriage, and it was just awesome sitting there smelling the horse and the hay together with the kiddies.
Growing up I lived on a really old farm in the middle of the forest, and during the summer my mother worked in a cafeteria in a historical museum. This museum consisted of old houses and farms, and I spent my young summers discovering every secret one could, running around these old houses, knowing the entire place like the back of my hand. Anyway, my point was, this farm consisted of such traditional old houses, and the smell all this brought back the best summers of my life and I was just overwhelmed. Getting to run around with the kiddies who were just so excited about everything made me remember how discovering things for the first time made childhood just so completely magical.

I mean, they got totally psyched by a puddle by the road on our way to the farm o___O They're so sweet and innocent, I love 'em. Even though some kids are a bit more difficult to handle, eventually, with enough patience, one can get through to them.

Yeah, but I am exhausted most of the time. Last week I managed to get a combination of sinus inflammation, throat infection and another thingy I don't know the english word on. I think I managed to get a fever again today, and I very rarely get fever so... needless to say, when I am finally home I'm dead meat.

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