Saturday, 20 October 2007


SOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I have now ordered plane tickets to Helsinki, plus booked the hotel and I've already gotten the dir en grey tickets so everything is in order!!! I am so psyched, I am actually going to see Dir en gey for the THIRD time!!! It's just AMAZING!! AAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *giggles madly*
I'll also conveniently get my second salary in week 44, the day before I leave, so I'll have money for food and another Dir t-shirt while I am there!

This last week I have been working in a kindergarten in Rælingen instead of the one in Kløfta where I previously worked. It's nice enough there, but I don't like it even half as much as the first one. I miss my kiddies, especially Kaja. The new ones are of course adorable, they're sweet kids, but I am not so sure I like the atmosphere in this one. Here Ri-san, they had nap time >_<. Luckily I didn't have to supervise it, I think I must have tied them down or something. And it's coooooold and I can't afford a proper jacket (Thanks dir), so I was freezing my butt off most of the time too. I also didn't like how strict they were to the kids, plus they had divided the kids up in age, which was different too from the first one, where they had mixed ages. I think mixed ages is the best, because it gives the small children role models to follow, and I notice they have an easier time dealing with the different stages of growing up. Like the oldest kid in my division was four and he still made in his pants all the time. It wasn't a casual accident, but every day. You'd think a kid that age should be able to go to the bathroom when a kid a year younger manages without any troubles, so.

Tomorrow I and my sister has volunteered to go and collect for this year's television-campaign. It's for AIDS stricken children, the development of AIDS medicin and better hospitals in the worst places of Africa. We're collaborating with UNICEF this year. I really like this day, but I previously haven't had the chance to be a part of it because my schools have never bothered (WHICH MADE ME SOOOO FUCKING MAD) and I could never afford donating much myself either.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Yet another week has passed unreasonably fast. Now there's only six days left until I leave for Finland (OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG). I have a total fangirl spas/seizure/squee moment every time I think about it >_<. I am dreading the plane ride a bit; I'll have to leave REALLY early. As in latest at 05:00 am in the morning early... brrr... Luckily my uncle's new girlfriend offered to drive me, as she works at the airport and she has an early shift that day anyway. Thank Jeebus I don't have to struggle with trains and luggage that early in the morning.

In other news: I have started yet another kindergarten again. This one is in Fetsund, while the previous ones where in Kløfta and Rælingen, not that these names will mean anything to the most of you XP. This new kindergarten is much better than the one before! The people are SO nice and I fell right into a place the first day. This time I worked with the children in the small division. Everything from 0 and up to nearing 3. It's really cosy. I thought first it would be difficult, because when I worked with the older children I had problems getting contact with the younger ones because they can't talk much at all. But as soon as you get close to them you realize how incredibly intelligent they are! They're all so different. Like little Elias who're everywhere ALL the time, but he's a really sweet little bugger. He just turned 1 and has a lightening intelligence I tell you. He wanted to climb up on the table, but couldn't so the little thing went and turned the playing box on its head and dragged it towards the table so he could use it to climb on! I had my jaw on the floor the entire time I watched this. Then there's also Ruben, who loves fast cars and kittens XDD He's also a really stubborn fellow but love to snuggle. Whenever things happen that he does not agree with, like another kindergarten nanny telling him he can't have something or one of the other kids are mean, he run towards me with open arms and yells "mama, mama!" and of course this melts my heart so bad I have to give him whatever it is he wants XDDD And talking about two sided children, we can't forget Dorthe. She's this tiny little doll with dark curls and really startling blue eyes. In the beginning she was really shy and didn't really want anything to do with me, but as we got to know each other she turns out to be this really cool girl! She has this deep really awesome laughter that makes all us adults burst into laughter ourselves. She sounds so EVIL! And she eats like a horse and is really stubborn about things! She can't talk much though; she just makes sounds really quietly. But sometimes she forgets herself and yells out whatever it is she wants XD Kamilla, the oldest girl on the division is really nice to have around, for she makes sure to keep all the other kids in line whenever I have to run and do something else. We also really enjoy making sand cakes together XD Well, I'd love to write an essay about all the kids, because they really deserve it, but I can't because then I'd be sitting here the entire day!
Soooo, just to close the new kindergarten ranting I was dressing one of the girls to take them out for a little stroll when two older girls come into the wardrobe. They ask a bit about why the little girl was crying and I explained it was because she was a bit tired before naptime. So we talk about things and then one of the girls asks:

Girl #1: Do you wear a bra underneath?

The other girl looks curious about this new show of knowledge and asks before I have the ability to answer:

Girl #2: What's a braunderneath?

I'll have to stifle my laughter and answered her: Bra is what ladies have to use when their breasts get bigger.

Girl #1 *looks at me with huge eyes*: You're a real lady?!

Me *trying not to burst into laughter*: Well yeah... just a tiny lady.

Girl #2 *proudly*: But you're a lady anyway!

God I love children XD

Thursday, 11 October 2007


Yah. Turning 19 is just idiotic. There's no point to it. I just got used to feeling 18. Bleh... I always have these HUGE expectations for my birthdays but... eh... I'll just play sims 2 today and forget the day exist...

edit: Man this day has been so much worse than I thought it would be. I FUCKING HATE my birthday, and I can't even explain why. I just want to cry. I've wanted to cry most of the day actually. I have no idea why... I got plenty of sms, my mum baked two cakes and my gran and cousin came over for some coffee.. I dunno. I guess I just still go waiting for that surprise party or something... It's just after every birthday I feel so fucking empty... and I don't know why. The fact that I am rapidly growing older must be a part of it but... fuck... I feel all emo now, and I can't even explain it. I guess I just want my birthday to be a bit more special... maybe I should organize a gathering with my friends... but I have no money so... I can't even afford going to my own birthday party.


Tuesday, 9 October 2007


DAMN!!!!!! I've managed to lose ALL my notes for a specific story!! They were really detailed notes too, and now I'll have to make them all new >_< I don't fucking feel like it, because they were perfect!!! How could I lose them?!?! They were on my mother's computer, I remember transferring them to this one, but I can't find them on either computer now!!! All I got left of all my fucking notes PLUS FIRST CHAPTER MIND is their bloody names! And I can't even remember their last names >_< Fuck this!! Well, I do have the plot of course, but typing up notes and research is the fucking hardest, most boring part of it aaaall. I had been looking forward to this day off so that I finally could continue, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I'll have to fucking type up all those fucking notes again!!! FUCK IIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!! *shakes fist at the entire world* /end rant

On a different note (I am still seething here, fuck!!), do any of you remember these guys, Ditta and Kim? Well, I was at a party of theirs this weekend, where I of course met this girl... -_- We haven't been talking since that post, and as it turned out not a few minutes later, she was invited to the party also. When she walked by me on the train, our eyes met, and we both KNOW that the other saw us, but we both pretended that we hadn't seen them, while we knew that the other knew. Yeah, messy already right? Anyway, as we got off the train, she was tagging along her idiot boyfriend, we were met by Ditta and Kim and a lot of other people, so it was easy to absorb ourselves in them and we didn't need to talk at all.
Anyway... well, I am a weak person. I remember I told myself that she was out of my life now, that I was better off without her... hah... it took me two ciders and her a few glasses of wine before we were hugging and bawling in each other's arms. I am btw invited to a party at hers next weekend... I dunno... I should feel bad about it, but at this moment I am feeling rather good. As if a burden has disappeared. There can't really have been a day where my thoughts haven't strayed to her and I've wondered if I did the right thing in cutting contact.

Anyway, I managed to get thoroughly drunk at that party even though I only drank two ciders, two Smirnoff Ice and half a kitchen glass of Baileys with ice cream. Apparently this was because I was ill (sinus inflammation, throat infection, bladder something and a stomach flue ftw!), and I was already drunk by the second cider so I really struggled with the rest of that drinks. I remember walking with Ditta down the street in shoes a thousand sizes too big for me, we were laughing about that a lot. And then Kim came bike cycling without shoes (it was his shoes I had taken) to collect us and bring us home. We were at the train station o_O wtf? I remember hugging and crying with Adriane, I remember making out with Ditta (she started it!!) I remember falling asleep beside a guy who insisted on poking his finger in my ear and scratch my back. I woke up with a heavy pump on my head, bruised biting marks on my arm, two broken fingernails, bruised knees and a scratched up palm o__________________________O After two ciders, two Smirnoffs and half a glass of Bailey? Keep the alcohol away from me people!!!

Well, I'll just return to my writing and rewrite all those fucking notes... FUCK!!

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Wah, I am back working with my kiddies ^^ Only for this week though, and possibly next, I am not sure. I work with a different group now, but since we're outside 90% of the time it's no problem at all.

Today I suddenly got the order that I was to come with the group to a farm. I was initially given the message that I was to stay with my first group, but they needed another adult (read someone to send to do the dirty work) with them. But it was a beautiful hot and crispy (yes both, autumn for the win) fall day, with a dark blue sky and yellow and red leafs on the trees. We got to ride with a horse and carriage, and it was just awesome sitting there smelling the horse and the hay together with the kiddies.
Growing up I lived on a really old farm in the middle of the forest, and during the summer my mother worked in a cafeteria in a historical museum. This museum consisted of old houses and farms, and I spent my young summers discovering every secret one could, running around these old houses, knowing the entire place like the back of my hand. Anyway, my point was, this farm consisted of such traditional old houses, and the smell all this brought back the best summers of my life and I was just overwhelmed. Getting to run around with the kiddies who were just so excited about everything made me remember how discovering things for the first time made childhood just so completely magical.

I mean, they got totally psyched by a puddle by the road on our way to the farm o___O They're so sweet and innocent, I love 'em. Even though some kids are a bit more difficult to handle, eventually, with enough patience, one can get through to them.

Yeah, but I am exhausted most of the time. Last week I managed to get a combination of sinus inflammation, throat infection and another thingy I don't know the english word on. I think I managed to get a fever again today, and I very rarely get fever so... needless to say, when I am finally home I'm dead meat.