Just not really. I don't have a home at the moment, since I moved out of my flat before going on my holiday. But my grandma is nice enough to let me have my stuff at hers, and right now I am leeching of her net. Yay!
Anywaaaaaaaiiiisss! I got home from Sweden yesterday and was first now able to pick up all my mail. That means my brand new girugämesh single and Dir en grey's Uroborous that I ordered a hundred years ago:

Since the Giru single was limited first press edition I also got a folderthingy! Yay! (and an extra cd documentary from their Crazy Tour in Europe and USA wooooh)
BUT! Even though that was a really awesome and flailworthy package, it was by far not the most exciting thing I received!!!
Some of my mail had been sent to my old flat while I was gone, but Úlfar, one of my previous flatmates, had been kind enough to take care of it for me! He even called me while I was on the train on my way to Sweden, telling me I had gotten a letter from Canada! Of course it was from Crystal and I was excited!
Then I got home and opened it!!!

These are real official photos sold at the concert venues in Japan! I knew Crystal had been in Japan and that she was intending to send me something, but I figured it was a post card or something *____* Yoko, the profile picture, is my favourite boyband-boy, and in the other he is dancing with my other favourite to my favourite song made by my two favourites!! xDDDD *has given up trying to hide her fangirl*
Speaking of fangirl though, I and a friend had been talking about how Yoko and mine's kid would look like. I mentioned this to Emelie who promptly showed me a site called MorphThing where you can morph whatever pictures you like and see what the result is. Being a super duper fangirl I of course had to check out how Yoko and mine's would look like:

And, and since that is not enough! Here it is as an adult XDDD

Oh my goodness I am laughing so hard right now xDDD
And then I guess I'll finally start on the accounting of my little Wacken trip. It's gonna be long, and there will be plenty of pictures. Gotta warn again though; drunken swedes and germans are not to be trifled with!
So where do you start?! Idk, I seriously idk. I'm really bad at taking pictures though. I never remember to take pictures when I have fun, so as a result I do it only when I am bored... therefore... my pictures are quite boring. I've been stealing some of my friend's though.
Emelie was supposed to come with me to Wacken, but she couldn't afford and had to stay home. We're expressing our feelings about that.
I cut my hair the same day I left for wacken, so here's a better pic of it!
The Wacken bus leave from Gothenburg at around 22pm and arrive at Wacken(Germany) around 08am the next morning. The entire night is used drinking and partying it up and scaring old people on the crossing ferries between the countries.
Everyone were being partypoopers and fell asleep some time out on the morning. I of course was wide awake and took embarrassing pictures ^^
A quick, and bad, picture of a standard house in the little otherwise so sleepy village of Wacken.
The Wacken area is huge (house over 75 000 people) and here we're sitting outside waiting for the best spots just outside the arena.
Snagged a spot on True Metal Way and are busy setting up camp. We quickly realised we were too close to the arena and could not even speak to each other, much less sleep, while any band was playing xDD
It didn't take long before the drunken groping begun. Here I am desperately trying to get away while a friend yells at me: "if you say yes it won't be rape!"
Next order of business is going to the local super market and hamster up on alcohol, beer, liquor and for some not tr00 people, food.
Wacken is the cutest little village you can imagine, sadly I didn't get too many pictures of it.
Most houses are open for people to enjoy different services. During one week in summer the entire Wacken village bust out beer stands and other stuff and offer us starved, thirsty, unwashed and hungry metallers a place to shower, drink or eat!
This is the "1 Euro Bar" where you sit in someone's garden, cooled down in the shadow by their house, drinking. Everything they sell cost one euro only!
When Wacken isn't being the capital of metal it usually does... cows.
As I said, I am really bad at taking pictures, and a lot of things can't be taken pictures off. Like the first night we were there I suddenly started feeling horrifyingly bad. It felt as if I had something liquid hot burning in my head. Literally. I can't remember much of what went on, except that I woke up in the medical tent. I talked to at least seven doctors in some hybrid of english/german/french before they propped me full of some pills and a weird yellow liquid and put me to sleep some more. When I woke up later they told me to come back if I didn't get better, wrapped me up in foil, put blue hospital slippers on my feet (I had now shoes on) and pushed me out of the tent.
I walked like that through the Wacken area, staring morosely at the ground when a flash suddenly goes off in my face. Looking up I see a Japanese pair standing in front of me with a camera xDDDDD I was feeling horrible, but I couldn't help laughing at that!!
Luckily I didn't have to go back to the medical tent, even if the headache still came back once in a while.
Sadly, this is the stuff you don't get pictures off xD
It was SO FUCKING COLD during the nights though, and we had a storm too. But when the sun got out and heating, all the weirdos came out too:
And these were just the guys from my camp.
Food, no matter how not metal, is something any metal head needs. Here we are "grilling"
And this is the result.
Mine and a friend's tent after the storm \m/
It was Wacken's 20th jubilee this year, and even if the beer didn't taste all that, the can was rather rad if you as me.
I was sad that Emelie couldn't go, but I was happy when I found a voodoo doll that looked just like her! After that I let Emelie have fun at Wacken too and took her drinking and watching bands ^^
As I mentioned earlier: I am bad at taking photos and am already at the end of it.
The day of departure, and a hungover from a week of constant drinking is making itself known.
This year they were tying out a new project called Clean Zone. They handed out garbage bags at the beginning of Wacken and for each filled bag you received a T-shirt. As you can see (this is the only dump place on the entire area), no one was co-operating much.
A standard camp at the end of a week.
After a week most have personalized their camps a lot, and it's fun wandering around looking at everything.
"667 Neighbour of the Beast" made me lol.
Tit's was high currency at Wacken. We also found a sign that said for each tit you show, you get a free beer. Unfortunately no one was home in that camp when we found it.
And here we already are, on the bus on our way home back to sweden!
Phew. A LOT of things happened, but I seriously don't know how to get it all written down xD Neither am I sure I should. Everyone who party hard knows what goes down, and those who don't are either too young or doesn't care anyway xDD
I know one thing though; I can't WAIT for next year! \0/
In ten days I leave for Bergen and my new, and forgotten, life as a student. I am curious on how it will be! Sadly though, my uncle was supposed to drive me with my stuff, but only if we could go on a Saturday. I wrote a mail to the school asking if it was ok to arrive a day early, but the school was closed until Sunday. I then suggested that I could just go on the train with my essentials, and they could choose a weekend that suited them later and come driving with my stuff. But apparently it was now completely out of the question to help me with anything, and as so I won't be able to take my stuff with me to Bergen... No books, no CDs, no DVDs, no games, none of my stuff.... Just the most essentials of clothes. I already cried packing away the least important stuff, and now I have to leave my very heart behind.
But otherwise I am looking forward to it all.